
        首頁(yè) 研究隊伍 人才庫

        • 姓名:董鐵礦
        • 性別:
        • 專(zhuān)家類(lèi)別:副研究員
        • 學(xué)歷:研究生畢業(yè)
        • 電話(huà):
        • 傳真:025-83332091
        • 職務(wù):
        • 電子郵件:tkdong@pmo.ac.cn
        • 所屬部門(mén):暗物質(zhì)與空間天文研究部
        • 通訊地址:(210023)南京市棲霞區元化路10號

          簡(jiǎn)  歷:

        • 1999 .09-2003.06: 河南師范大學(xué)物理系
          2003.09 -2006.06: 南京大學(xué)物理系,理論物理專(zhuān)業(yè)碩士

          2006.09 -2008.06: 南京大學(xué)物理系,理論物理專(zhuān)業(yè)博士
          2008.09 – 2012.06: 澳門(mén)科技大學(xué)助理教授
          2012.07 – 至今:紫金山天文臺副研究員 

          社會(huì )任職:



        • 核物理,高能核反應與行星科學(xué),高能天體物理



        • 核物理:

          [1]. Tiekuang Dong, Zhongzhou Ren, New model of binding energies of heavy nuclei with Z≥90, Physical Review C72, 064331 (2005)
          [2]. Tiekuang Dong, Zhongzhou Ren, New calculations of alpha-decay half-lives by the Viola-Seaborg formula, European Physical Journal A 26, 69 (2005)
          [3]. Tiekuang Dong, Zhongzhou Ren, Calculations of alpha-decay half-lives by the generalized Viola-Seaborg formula, High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics 30, 113 (2006)
          [4]. Tiekuang Dong, Zhongzhou Ren, Yanqing Guo, Elastic magnetic form factors of exotic nuclei, Physical Review C 76, 054602 (2007)
          [5]. Tiekuang Dong, Zhongzhou Ren, Zaijun Wang, Relativistic eikonal approaches to parity violating electron-nucleus scattering, Physical Review C 77, 064302 (2008)
          [6]. Tiekuang Dong, Zhongzhou Ren, Improved version of a binding energy formula for heavy and superheavy nuclei with Z>=90 and N>=140, Physical Review C 77, 064310 (2008)
          [7]. Dongdong Ni, Zhongzhou Ren,Tiekuang Dong, Unified formula of half-lives for alpha decay and cluster radioactivity,Physical Review C 78, 044310 (2008)
          [8]. Tiekuang Dong, Yanyun Chu, Zhongzhou Ren, Zaijun Wang, Systematic studies of properties of nuclei by parity violating electron scattering, Physical Review C 79, 014317 (2009)
          [9]. Tiekuang Dong, Zhongzhou Ren, alpha-decay energy formula for superheavy nuclei based on the liquid-drop model, Physical Review C 82, 034320 (2010)
          [10]. Jian Chen, Tiekuang Dong, Zhongzhou Ren, Cross sections of proton- and neutron-induced reactions by the Liege intra-nuclear cascade model, Physical Review C 93, 064608 (2016)


          [1]. Yu Cheng, Tiekuang Dong, Wudong Dong, Zhongzhou Ren, Aoao Xu, Chemical composition of lunar surface from neutron leakage fluxes, Chinese Physics C 35, 735 (2011)
          [2]. Tiekuang Dong, Sujun Yun, Tao Ma, et al., Production rates of cosmogenic nuclei on the lunar surface, Chinese Physics C 38, 075101 (2014)
          [3]. Jian Chen, Tiekuang Dong, Zhongzhou Ren, Calibrating a physical model based on Geant4 to calculate cosmogenic nuclide production rates on lunar surface, Meteoritics & Planetary Science 52, 646 (2017)
          [4]. Yong Li, Xiaoping Zhang, Wudong Dong, Zhongzhou Ren, Tiekuang Dong, Aoao Xu, Simulation of the production rates of cosmogenic nuclides on the Moon based on Geant4, Journal Geophysical Research:Space Physics 122,1473 (2017)
          [5]. Junliang Chen, Sujun Yun, Tiekuang Dong, Zhongzhou Ren, Xiaoping Zhang,Validation of Geant4 physics models for nuclear beams in extended media, Nuclear Instrment and Methods in Physics Research B 434, 113 (2018)


          [1]. Lei Feng, Ruizhi Yang, Haoning He, Tiekuang Dong, Yizhong Fan, Jin Chang, AMS-02 positron excess: New bounds on dark matter models and hint for primary electron spectrum hardening,Physics Letters B 728, 250 (2014)
          [2]. Xiang Li, Zhaoqiang Shen, Boqiang Lu, Tiekuang Dong, Yizhong Fan, Lei Feng, Siming Liu, Jin Chang,‘Excess’ of primary cosmic ray electrons,Physics Letters B 749, 267 (2015)
          [3]. (DAMPE Collaboration) J. Chang, G. Ambrosi, Q. An, R. Asfandiyarov, P. Azzarello, P. Bernardini,?B. Bertucci, M.S. Cai, M. Caragiulo, D.Y. Chen, H.F. Chen, J.L. Chen, W. Chen,?M.Y. Cui, T.S. Cui, A. D’Amone, A. De Benedittis, I. De Mitri, M. Di Santo,?J.N. Dong, T.K. Dong et al., The DArk Matter Particle Explorer mission, Astroparticle Physics 95,6 (2017)
          [4]. (DAMPE Collaboration) G. Ambrosi, Q. An, R. Asfandiyarov, P. Azzarello, P. Bernardini,?B. Bertucci, M.S. Cai, M. Caragiulo, D.Y. Chen, H.F. Chen, J.L. Chen, W. Chen,?M.Y. Cui, T.S. Cui, A. D’Amone, A. De Benedittis, I. De Mitri, M. Di Santo,?J.N. Dong, T.K. Dong et al., Direct detection of a break in the teraelectronvolt cosmic-ray spectrum of electrons and positrons, Nature 552, 63 (2017)
          [5]. (DAMPE Collaboration) G. Ambrosi, Q. An, R. Asfandiyarov, P. Azzarello, P. Bernardini,?B. Bertucci, M.S. Cai, M. Caragiulo, D.Y. Chen, H.F. Chen, J.L. Chen, W. Chen,?M.Y. Cui, T.S. Cui, A. D’Amone, A. De Benedittis, I. De Mitri, M. Di Santo,?J.N. Dong, T.K. Dong et al., The on-orbit calibration of DArk Matter Particle Explorer, Astroparticle Physics 106, 18 (2019)
          [6]. Tiekuang Dong, Yapeng Zhang, Pengxiong Ma et al., Charge measurement of cosmic ray nuclei with the plastic scintillator detector of DAMPE, Astroparticle Physics 105, 31 (2019)
          [7]. (DAMPE Collaboration) Q. An, R. Asfandiyarov, P. Azzarello, P. Bernardini,?B. Bertucci, M.S. Cai, M. Caragiulo, D.Y. Chen, H.F. Chen, J.L. Chen, W. Chen,?M.Y. Cui, T.S. Cui, A. D’Amone, A. De Benedittis, I. De Mitri, M. Di Santo,?J.N. Dong, T.K. Dong et al., Measurement of the cosmic ray proton spectrum from 40 GeV to 100 TeV with the DAMPE satellite, Science Advances 5, eaax3793 (2019)

