
        首頁(yè) 研究隊伍 人才庫

        • 姓名:吳昀昭
        • 性別:
        • 專(zhuān)家類(lèi)別:研究員/優(yōu)青
        • 學(xué)歷:研究生畢業(yè)
        • 電話(huà):
        • 傳真:025-83332091
        • 職務(wù):
        • 電子郵件:wu@pmo.ac.cn
        • 所屬部門(mén):行星科學(xué)和深空探測研究部
        • 通訊地址:(210023)南京市棲霞區元化路10號

          簡(jiǎn)  歷:

        • 男,山東濟寧人,紫金山天文臺“行星光譜學(xué)研究團組”首席研究員,博士生導師。南京大學(xué)地球科學(xué)系學(xué)士-博士。美國馬里蘭大學(xué)、印地安那大學(xué)—普渡大學(xué)印第安納波利斯分校、布朗大學(xué)、圣母大學(xué)、德國DLR訪(fǎng)問(wèn)學(xué)者。先后獲得基金委優(yōu)青、原創(chuàng )探索計劃項目、教育部“新世紀優(yōu)秀人才支持計劃”、中科院王寬誠博士后工作獎等獎勵。中國遙感應用協(xié)會(huì )、中國空間科學(xué)學(xué)會(huì )成員。主要從事行星遙感、深空探測、行星科學(xué)研究,研究對象包括月球與小行星,研究?jì)热莺w儀器定標與數據處理、光譜解譯、光度模型、地質(zhì)演化等。在月球、小行星以及隕石的實(shí)驗室、衛星及天文觀(guān)測數據的處理、分析與應用研究方面發(fā)表了系列成果。參與了我國嫦娥1號—嫦娥5號(月球繞落回)、天問(wèn)1號(火星繞著(zhù)巡)、天問(wèn)2號(小行星采樣)等任務(wù)數據處理分析與科學(xué)應用。

          社會(huì )任職:



        • 遙感、光譜學(xué)與光譜分析、反射與熱發(fā)射光譜、深空探測、行星科學(xué)



        • 1. Wang, P. Y., Cloutis, E., Zhang, Q. W., Y. Wu*. Quantitative Mineral Analysis of Ordinary Chondrites and Primitive Achondrites Using Reflectance Spectroscopy. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 2022, 127: e2022JE007571.
          2. Xu T. Y., Hapke B., Zhang X. P., Y. Wu*, & Lu X. P. Spectrophotometry of the lunar regolith using the Chang’E-3 Panoramic Camera (PCAM). Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2022, 665, A15.
          3. Lu Y., K. Edgett, B. Wu, Y. Wang, Z. Li, G. Michael, H. Yizhaq, Q. Jin, Y. Wu*. Aeolian disruption and reworking of TARs at the Zhurong rover field site, southern Utopia Planitia, Mars. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2022, 595: 117785.
          4. Duan A., Y. Wu*, E. Cloutis, Jinfei YU, Shaolin Li, et al. Heating of carbonaceous materials: Insights into the effects of thermal metamorphism on spectral properties of carbonaceous chondrites and asteroids. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. 2021, 56: 2035-2046.
          5. Lu Y., K. Edgett, Y. Wu*. Ripples, transverse aeolian ridges, and dark-toned sand dunes on Mars: A case study in Terra Sabaea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 2021, 126: e2021JE006953.
          6. Wu Y., Kührt, E., Grott, M., Qi Jin, et al. Chang’E-4 rover spectra revealing micro-scale surface thermophysical properties of the Moon. Geophysical Research Letters. 2021, 48(4): e2020GL089226.
          7. Wu Y., Q. Jin, C. Li, et al. Unveiling the secrets of the mid-infrared (3-5 μm) Moon. Geophysical Research Letters. 2021, 48(4): e2020GL088393.
          8. Wu Y., The ‘super blood wolf Moon’ from space. Nature Astronomy. 2019, 3(204).
          9. Wu Y., Z. Wang, Y. Lu. Space weathering of the Moon from in situ detection.Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 2019, 19(4): 51(10pp).
          10. Lu Y., Y. Wu*, G. Michael, et al. Young wrinkle ridges in Mare Imbrium: Evidence for very recent compressional tectonism. Icarus. 2019, 329: 24-33.
          11. Wu Y., Z. Wang, W. Cai, et al. The Absolute Reflectance and New Calibration Site of the Moon. The Astronomical Journal. 2018, 155(5): 213(18pp).
          12. Wu Y., B. Hapke. Spectroscopic observations of the Moon at the lunar surface. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2018, 484: 145-153.
          13. Wu Y., L. Li, X. Luo, et al. Geology, tectonism and composition of the northwest Imbrium region. Icarus. 2018, 303: 67-90.
          14. Chen Y., C. Li, X. Ren, J. Liu, Y. Wu*, et al. The thickness and volume of young basalts within Mare Imbrium. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 2018, 123(2): 630-645.
          15. Wang Z., Y. Wu*, D. T. Blewett, et al. Submicroscopic metallic iron in lunar soils estimated from the in situ spectra of the Chang’E-3 mission. Geophysical Research Letters. 2017, 44(8): 3485-3492.
          16. Zhang X., Y. Wu*, Z. Ouyang, et al. Mineralogical Variation of the Late Stage Mare Basalts. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 2016, 121(10): 2063-2080.
          17. Zhang X., Z. Ouyang, Y. Wu*, et al. Study of the continuum removal method for the Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) and its application to Mare Humorum and Mare Nubium. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 2016, 16(7): 136-145.
          18. Tang X, X. Luo, Y. Jiang, A Xu, Z. Wang, X. Zhang, Y. Chen, X. Zhang, W. Cai, Y. Wu*. Estimation of lunar FeO abundance based on imaging by LRO Diviner. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 2016, 16(2): 29-34.
          19. Wu Y., S. Besse, J. Li, et al. Photometric correction and in-flight calibration of Chang’E-1 Interference Imaging Spectrometer (IIM) data. Icarus. 2013, 222(1): 283-295.
          20. Wu Y. Major elements and Mg# of the Moon: Result from Chang’E-1 Interference Imaging Spectrometer(IIM) data. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 2012, 93: 214-234.
          21. Wu Y., B. Xue, B. Zhao, et al. Global Estimate of Lunar Iron and Titanium Contents from the Chang’E-1 IIM data. Journal of Geophviscal Research. 2012, 117: 1-23.
          22. Wu Y., X. Xu, Z. Xie, et al. Absolute Calibration of the Chang’E-1 IIM camera and its preliminary application. Science in China Series G. 2009, 52(12): 1842-1848.
          23. Wu Y., P. Gong, Q. Liu, et al. Retrieving photometric properties of desert surfaces in China using the Hapke model and MISR data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2009, 113(1): 213-223.
          24. Wu Y., J. Ji, J. Chen, et al. A mechanism study of reflectance spectroscopy for investigating heavy metals in soil. Soil Science Society of American Journal. 2007, 71: 918-926.
          25. Wu Y., J. Ji, J. Chen, et al. Feasibility of reflectance spectroscopy for the assessment of soil mercury contamination. Environment Science and Technology. 2005, 39: 873-878.
          26. Wu Y., J. Ji, J. Chen, et al. Possibilities of reflectance spectroscopy for the assessment of heavy metal contamination on in suburban soils. Applied Geochemistry. 2005, 20:1051-1059.
          27. 余金霏,趙海斌,吳昀昭*.基于碳質(zhì)球粒隕石的小行星水蝕變光譜學(xué)研究. 深空探測學(xué)報(中英文). 2023.
          28. 胡柯,杜文亮,解延浩, 吳昀昭*.基于月球的吉林一號衛星在軌輻射定標研究.中國空間科學(xué)技術(shù),2023:1-9.
          29. 吳昀昭*, 徐天弈, 溫世博, 矯恒越, 徐小萌,秦楠楠等.小行星目標特性遙感探測.空間碎片研究.2021,21(4),11.
          30. 段阿晨,吳昀昭*,Cloutis E. A., 李少林,趙海斌,季江徽. 碳質(zhì)球粒隕石有機物紅外光譜研究. 天文學(xué)報. 2021, 62(2): 13-21.
          31. W吳昀昭. 月球反射光譜學(xué)及應用. 地學(xué)前緣. 2014, 21(6): 74-87.
          32. 張薛偉, 蔣云, 劉寒,張訊與,周賢鋒,陳媛,湯梟,吳昀昭*. 月球火山碎屑堆積物光譜研究. 地學(xué)前緣. 2014, 21(6): 137-149.
          33. 周賢峰,趙書(shū)河,吳昀昭, 等. 基于光學(xué)遙感數據虹灣地區鐵鈦含量反演研究. 中國科學(xué):物理學(xué) 力學(xué) 天文學(xué).2013,43(8): 987-1003.
          34. 吳昀昭, 鄭永春, 鄒永廖,等. 嫦娥一號IIM數據處理分析與應用之一:全月表礦物吸收中心分布圖. 中國科學(xué):物理學(xué) 力學(xué) 天文學(xué),2010,40(11):1343-1362.
          35. 吳昀昭, 鄭永春, 鄒永廖,等. 基于非線(xiàn)性混合模型研究太空風(fēng)化對月壤光譜的影響.空間科學(xué)學(xué)報. 2010, 30(2): 154-159.
          36. 鄔登巍, 吳昀昭,馬宏瑞. 基于中紅外漫反射光譜的土壤重金屬元素含量預測研究. 光譜學(xué)與光譜分析. 2010, 30(6): 1498-1502.
          37. 吳昀昭, 田慶久, 金震宇,等. ETM+數據絕對反射率反演方法分析.遙感信息. 2004(2):4.
          38. 吳均昭, 田慶久, 陳駿, 季峻峰, 杜鳳蘭.基于主成分分析的反射光譜在巖石學(xué)中的應用——以哈密地區為例. 巖石學(xué)報. 2003, 19(4):6.
          39. 吳昀昭, 田慶久,等. 土壤光學(xué)遙感的理論.方法及應用. 遙感信息. 2003(001):000.

